# Shopping Mall Chat Bots

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__  /|_/ /_  __ `/_  /__  /    _  /    __  __ \  __ `/  __/    __  __  |  __ \  __/_  ___/
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/_/  /_/  \__,_/ /_/  /_/      \____/  /_/ /_/\__,_/ \__/      /_____/ \____/\__/ /____/  

# Mall Chat Bot Generator

# Code Helpers

  • Some of the code might be a bit confusing, so here is a quick explanation of what is going on.
  • GitHub Copilot is good at some stuff but not at indexing my code for context search. So I am using SourceGraph for this.
  • But I this is a manual process to index my code for that: Indexing my code for SourceGraph

# Server API


# Code Snippets

# Notion API and SDK

# Useful for this project

# Packages

# Microsoft Clarity

# Data

# Pricing Models

# Chat Bot Creation and Optimization

# Information for collaboration

# Packages

# Table of Contents

  • Mall Chat Admin
    • Features
    • To Do
    • Preview
    • Table of Contents
    • Quick Start
      • Start with this template
      • Deploy as Static Site
    • Built-in Components
    • Notes
      • Nuxt Content
      • Custom Workspace Snippets
      • Styles
      • Theme (Dark Mode)
      • Localization
      • Generate Locales
      • Icons
      • Precommit and Postmerge
    • License

# Start dev server

  • Install dependencies pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
  • Run pnpm dev to start development server and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

# Deploy as Static Site

# Available Components

  • Footer
  • Button
  • Anchor (link)
  • Alert
  • Card
  • Action Sheet
  • Theme Toggle / Switcher
  • Navbar
    • Navbar Builder
    • Drawer (on mobile)
    • Options (on mobile)
  • Page Layout
    • Wrapper
    • Header
      • Title
    • Body
      • Section
        • Section Wrapper
        • Section Title
  • Dashboard Layout
    • Sidebar
  • Modal

# Notes

# Nuxt Content

# Styles

Tailwindcss import managed by windicss. and you can add custom styles in :


# Theme (Dark Mode)

ThemeManager is a plugin that allows you to switch between themes. this lib in :


Thememanager is a function-class construct when app.vue before mounted. theme construct inside AppSetup() in /path/to/app.vue :

<!-- /path/to/app.vue -->
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { AppSetup } from '~/utils/app';
// app setup

To change theme, you can direct set theme from state theme.setting, example :

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { IThemeSettingOptions } from '~/utils/theme'
  const themeSetting = useState<IThemeSettingOptions>('theme.setting')
  themeSetting.value = 'dark'

When you change state theme.setting, it will automatically change theme.

Theme Setting have 4 options :

  • light
  • dark
  • system (operating system theme)
  • realtime (realtime theme, if 05:00 - 17:00, it will change to light theme, otherwise dark)

We have state theme.current, this state return light or dark theme. basically it's process from theme.setting. don't change theme with this state.

# Localization

Localization is a plugin that allows you to switch between languages. this lib in :


LanguageManager is a function-class construct when app.vue before mounted. this lib depend on @intlify/nuxt3 lang construct inside AppSetup() in /path/to/app.vue :

<!-- /path/to/app.vue -->
<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { AppSetup } from '~/utils/app';
  // app setup

To change language, you can direct set language from state lang.setting, example :

<script lang="ts" setup>
const langSetting = useState<string>('locale.setting')
langSetting.value = 'en'

When you change state locale.setting, it will automatically change language.

# Generate Locales

I made an automatic tool to automatically translate to all languages ​​that have been prepared in the ./locales/ folder So, you can just update "locales/en.yml" and run this tools, it will automatically translate to all languages.

You can just run:

pnpm generate:locales
# or :
node ./tools/translator.js ./locales en.yml

# Icons

This project using unplugin-icons for auto generate and import icon as component.

You can see collection icon list in : https://icones.js.org/

you can use <prefix-collection:icon /> or <PrefixCollection:Icon />.

in this project, configuration prefix as a "icon", you can see in nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  vite: {
      plugins: [
              dts: true,
              resolvers: [
                      prefix: 'Icon',

# Example:

// use icon from collection "Simple Icons" and name icon is "nuxtdotjs"
<IconSimpleIcons:nuxtdotjs />

// use icon from collection "Unicons" and name icon is "sun"
<IconUil:sun />

# Pre-commit and Post-merge

This project using husky and commit-lint for pre-commit and post-merge. when you commit, it will check your commit message and running pnpm lint-staged to check your staged files. configuration in : /path/to/.husky/pre-commit and /path/to/commitlint.config.js

And when Postmerge, it will run "pnpm" to automatically install new dependencies. configuration in /path/to/.husky/post-merge

# License

This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2023 Charl Cronje. For more information see the LICENSE file.