# Bug Report

When submitting a bug report on GitHub, it's important to provide detailed information about the issue to help the developers reproduce and resolve the problem effectively. Here's an example of how you can format your bug report:

# Title: [Web App Name]

Bug Report: [Brief Description of the Bug]

# Description

  1. Bug Overview: Provide a concise summary of the bug you've encountered.

  2. Steps to Reproduce: Clearly outline the steps required to reproduce the bug. This should include a specific sequence of actions or inputs that trigger the issue. If possible, provide a minimal code snippet or a list of detailed steps.

  3. Expected Behavior: Describe what you expected to happen when performing the steps mentioned above.

  4. Actual Behavior: Explain what actually happened when you performed the steps. Clearly state the issue or discrepancy you encountered.

  5. Environment: Provide information about your environment, including the web browser, operating system, and any other relevant details that might help with bug reproduction.

  6. Error Messages: If you received any error messages, include them here. Copy the error message(s) exactly as they appeared, or provide a screenshot if applicable.

  7. Additional Context: Include any additional information that might be helpful, such as recent changes or updates made to the web app, related issues, or any other observations that could aid in the debugging process.

  8. Priority: If there's a specific priority level for your bug report (e.g., high, medium, low), mention it here. This can help the developers prioritize their work if they have multiple bug reports.

# Example:

# Title: MyWebApp

Bug Report: Login Button Not Functioning

# Description

  1. Bug Overview: When attempting to log in to the web app, clicking the "Login" button does not trigger any action.

  2. Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the web app's home page.
    2. Enter valid login credentials in the respective fields.
    3. Click the "Login" button.
  3. Expected Behavior: After clicking the "Login" button, the app should validate the entered credentials and redirect the user to the dashboard page.

  4. Actual Behavior: Upon clicking the "Login" button, nothing happens. The page remains unchanged, and there are no error messages displayed.

  5. Environment:

    • Web browser: Google Chrome v90.0.4430.212
    • Operating system: Windows 10
  6. Error Messages: No error messages are displayed.

  7. Additional Context: This issue started occurring after the latest update of the web app's authentication system. The "Register" functionality is working as expected.

  8. Priority: High

By following a structured format like this, you provide the developers with the necessary information to understand and address the bug effectively. This increases the chances of a swift resolution.