# Microsoft Clarity

# What is Clarity

Clarity is a free analytics product that helps you understand how users are interacting with your website through session replays and heatmaps. Clarity is easy to install and easy to use, and we're working on building new features and improvements every day.

# How to use Clarity

# Install Clarity

  1. Sign up for Clarity at clarity.microsoft.com
  2. Create a new project
  3. Copy the Clarity tag
  4. Paste the Clarity tag into your website's HTML, just before the closing </head> tag

# View your data

Once you've installed Clarity, you can view your data in the Clarity portal. You can view session replays, heatmaps, and more.

# Clarity Features

# Session replays

Clarity records how users interact with your website, including mouse movements, clicks, scrolls, and more. You can watch session replays to see how users interact with your website.

# Heatmaps

Clarity records where users click and scroll on your website. You can view heatmaps to see where users are clicking and scrolling.

# Analytics

Clarity records how many users visit your website, how long they stay on your website, and more. You can view analytics to see how users are interacting with your website.

# Clarity Privacy

Clarity is committed to privacy. Clarity does not collect any personal information, and Clarity does not use cookies. Clarity does not collect any information that would require consent under GDPR or CCPA.

# Clarity Roadmap

Clarity is a new product, and we're working on building new features and improvements every day. Here are some of the features we're working on:

  • Session replays
  • Heatmaps
  • Analytics
  • Funnel analysis
  • Form analytics
  • A/B testing
  • Custom events
  • Custom dashboards
  • Custom reports
  • Custom alerts
  • Custom integrations
  • Custom data retention
  • Custom data export
  • Custom data deletion
  • Custom data anonymization
  • Custom data encryption
  • Custom data residency
  • Custom data privacy
  • Custom data security
  • Custom data compliance
  • Custom data governance
  • Custom data sovereignty
  • Custom data protection
  • Custom data classification
  • Custom data access
  • Custom data ownership
  • Custom data control
  • Custom data portability