# Current Progress

I will be using yarn for this project and npm for global installs

# 1. Install Nuxt 3

The best way to install nuxt3 at the time of the document is to use the method below

npx nuxi@latest init mc.admin.webally.co.za

After that is done, install the dependencies

npm install
# or
# or
pnpm install

Then run the project

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

# 2. Started this documentation

I will be documenting as I go along.

  • 2.1 Documentation

I have written docs on the following topics so far

# 3. Added some artwork

  • I have added all the chat bot images in the public folder, all together about 50 images now located in the /public/img/bot folder
  • I also added the logo to the public folder under the /public/ui folder
  • Added a Favicon to /public

# 4. Added .env file

I added some env variables:

# DB's

# 5. Added Tailwind CSS

First install te packages

yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
# or
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
# or
pnpm add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Then create the config file

npx tailwindcss init

Then update nuxt.config.js

// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  postcss: {
    plugins: {
      tailwindcss: {},
      autoprefixer: {},

Update tailwind.config.js

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

Add css file /assets/css/main.css

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Add your newly-created ./assets/css/main.css to the css array in your nuxt.config.ts file.

// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  css: ['~/assets/css/main.css'],
  postcss: {
    plugins: {
      tailwindcss: {},
      autoprefixer: {},
  • Start your build process
  • Run your build process with yarn dev

Edit app.vue to test

  <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold underline">
    Hello world!

# 6. Create custom Authentication

This auth works with cookies and the notion API.

  • Create a auth.ts file in the plugins folder

# 6.1 Plugins

export default defineNuxtPlugin(async () => {
    const { me } = useAuth();

    await me();

# 6.2 Middleware

For Middleware I created 3 files:

  • admin-only.ts
  • guest-only.ts
  • user-only.ts
// admin-only.ts
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async () => {
    const isAdmin = useAdmin();

    if (!isAdmin.value) return navigateTo({ name: "login" });
// guest-only.ts
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async () => {
    const user = useAuthUser();

    if (user.value) {
        if (process.server) return navigateTo({ name: "index" });

        return abortNavigation();
// user-only.ts
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async () => {
    const user = useAuthUser();

    if (!user.value) return navigateTo({ name: "login" });

# 6.3 Components

// loginPage.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
const emit = defineEmits(["success"]);
const { login } = useAuth();
const form = reactive({
    data: {
		avatar: "/img/avatars/defaultAvatar.png",
        email: "charl@webally.co.za",
        password: "9983538",
        rememberMe: true,
		roles: [],
		company: "Private"
    error: "",
    pending: false,

async function onLoginClick() {
    try {
        form.error = "";
        form.pending = true;
        await login(form.data.email,form.data.password,form.data.rememberMe);
    } catch (error: any) {
        if (error.data.message) form.error = error.data.message;
    } finally {
        form.pending = false;

	<p v-if="form.error" class="mb-3 text-red-500">
        {{ ERROR }}
	<div class="max-w-2xl mx-auto">
		<div class="bg-white shadow-md border border-gray-200 rounded-lg max-w-sm p-4 sm:p-6 lg:p-8 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700">
				<h3 class="text-xl font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">
					Sign in to Mall Chat Admin
					<button>Email and Password</button>
					<label for="email" class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 block mb-2 dark:text-gray-300">Your
						class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 sm:text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white"
					<label for="password" class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 block mb-2 dark:text-gray-300">Your
						class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 sm:text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white"
				<div class="flex items-start">
					<div class="flex items-start">
						<div class="flex items-center h-5">
								class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 focus:ring-3 focus:ring-blue-300 h-4 w-4 rounded dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:focus:ring-blue-600 dark:ring-offset-gray-800"
						<div class="text-sm ml-3">
							<label for="remember" class="font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-300">
								Remember me
					<a href="#" class="text-sm text-blue-700 hover:underline ml-auto dark:text-blue-500">
						Lost Password?
					class="w-full text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800">
					Sign In
				<div class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-300">
				Not registered? <a href="#" class="text-blue-700 hover:underline dark:text-blue-500">Create

		<p class="mt-5">
			There are no new registrations available right now
			<br />
			<a href="/contactUs" class="text-blue-600 hover:underline">
				Contact Us

# 6.4 Composables

The following Composables

  • /composables/auth.ts
export { useAuthUser } from "./auth/useAuthUser";
export { useAuth } from "./auth/useAuth";
export { useAdmin } from "./auth/useAdmin";
  • /composables/auth/useAuth.ts
// useAuth.ts
import { useAuthUser } from "./useAuthUser";
import type { User } from "~/notion/types";

export const useAuth = () => {
    const authUser = useAuthUser();

    const setUser = (user: User | null) => {
        authUser.value = user;

    const setCookie = (cookie: any) => {
        cookie.value = cookie;

    const login = async (email: string, password: string, rememberMe: boolean) => {
        const data:any = await $fetch("/auth/login", {
            method: "POST",
            body: {

        return authUser;

    const logout = async () => {
        const data = await $fetch("/auth/logout", {
            method: "POST",


    const me = async () => {
        if (!authUser.value) {
            try {
                const data:any = await $fetch("/auth/me", {
                    headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"]) as HeadersInit,

            } catch (error) {

        return authUser;

    return {
  • /composables/auth/useAdmin.ts
// useAdmin.ts

export const useAdmin = () => {
    const authUser = useAuthUser();

    return computed(() => {
        if (!authUser.value) return false;

        return authUser.value.roles.includes("Admin");
  • /composables/auth/useAuthUser.ts
// useAuthUser.ts`
import type { UserWithoutPassword } from "~~/types";

export const useAuthUser = () => {
    return useState<UserWithoutPassword | null>("user", () => null);

# 6.5 Pages

  • Create a login.vue file in the pages folder
      <PageTitle :text="$t('pages.login.title')" class="capitalize" />
        <LoginPage @success="onLoginSuccess"/>  

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { capitalize } from '~/utils/str'
import LoginPage from '@/components/LoginPage.vue'
// composable
const { t } = useLang()

// compiler macro
  layout: 'page',
  middleware: ["guest-only"]

useHead(() => ({
  title: capitalize(t('pages.login.title')),
  meta: [
      name: 'description',
      content: t('pages.login.description'),

const currentUser = useAuthUser();
const isAdmin = useAdmin();

async function onLoginSuccess() {
    const redirect = isAdmin.value ? "/admin" : "/private";

    await navigateTo(redirect);

# 6.6 Protecting routes

Here is an example of a page that can only be accessed by the Admin user

Specifically have a look at definePageMeta and middleware: ["admin-only"]

// admin.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { capitalize } from '~/utils/str'

// composable
const { t } = useLang()
    middleware: ["admin-only"],

// compiler macro
    layout: 'dashboard',
useHead(() => ({
    title: capitalize(t('pages.admin.title')),
    meta: [{
        name: 'description',
        content: t('pages.admin.description'),

const { data: users } = await useAsyncData("users", () =>
        headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"]) as HeadersInit
const currentUser = useAuthUser();

            <PageTitle :text="$t('pages.admin.title')+':'+' '+currentUser.fullName" class="capitalize" />
                <PageUser :user="currentUser"/>
                <div class="mb-3 p-3 text-light-100 shadow-lg shadow-black/20 dark:shadow-black/40">
                    <p class="text-lg text-weight-800">Users</p>
                    <table class="min-w-full text-left text-sm font-light">
                        <thead class="border-b font-medium dark:border-neutral-500">
                            <tr class="table-row">
                                <th scope="col" class="px-1 py-1"></th>
                                <th scope="col" class="px-1 py-1" style="width:20px">Status</th>
                                <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-4">Full Name</th>
                                <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-4">Email Address</th>
                                <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-4">Roles</th>
                        <tbody class="table-row-group">
                            <tr v-for="user in users" :key="user.id" class="border-b transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:bg-neutral-100 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600">
                                <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-1 py-1 font-medium"><img style="height:30px" :src="user.avatar"/></td>
                                <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-1 py-1" style="width:20px"><input type="checkbox" :checked="user.status" disabled/></td>
                                <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-6 py-4">{{ ERROR }}</td>
                                <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-6 py-4">{{ ERROR }}</td>
                                <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-6 py-4">{{ ERROR }}</td>

# 6.7 Protecting API routes

There some more files in the server/api folder that you can use to protect your API routes

  • login.post.ts
  • notion.js

# 6.8 Server Middleware


// session.ts
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
    const user = await getUserFromSession(event);

    if (user) event.context.user = user;

# 6.8 Server Models

  • /server/models/user.ts
// user.ts
import { Client } from "@notionhq/client";
import type { NotionApiResponse, User } from "~~/types";
import { mapNotionApiResponseToUser } from "~/utils/notion/mapUsers";
import { AnyAaaaRecord } from "dns";

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY! });
const DB = process.env.NOTION_USERS_DB!;

export async function getUsers() {
    const userData = await notion.databases.query({
        database_id: DB
    return mapNotionApiResponseToUser(userData);

export async function getUserByEmail(email: string) {
    const data:any = await notion.databases.query({
        database_id: DB,
        filter: {
            property: 'Email Address',
            rich_text: {
                equals: email,
    return mapNotionApiResponseToUser(data)[0];

export async function getUserByEmailAndPassword(email: string, password:string):Promise<User> {
    const data:any = await notion.databases.query({
        database_id: DB,
        filter: {
            and: [{
                    property: 'Email Address',
                    rich_text: {
                        equals: email,
                    property: 'Password',
                    rich_text: {
                        equals: password,
    return mapNotionApiResponseToUser(data.results)[0];

export async function getUserById(id: number) {
    const data:any = await notion.databases.query({
        database_id: DB,
        filter: {
            property: 'ID',
            number: {
                equals: id,
    return mapNotionApiResponseToUser(data.results)[0];

export async function isAdmin(user?: User) {
    return user && user.roles.includes("Admin");

# 6.9 Server Routes

  • /server/routes/auth/login.post.ts
// login.post.ts
import { getUserByEmailAndPassword } from "~~/server/models/user";

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
    const body = await readBody<{ email: string; password: string; rememberMe: boolean }>(event);

    const { email, password, rememberMe } = body;

    if (!email || !password) {
        return createError({
            statusCode: 400,
            message: "Email address and password are required",

    const userWithPassword = await getUserByEmailAndPassword(email,password);
    if (!userWithPassword) {
        return createError({
            statusCode: 401,
            message: "Bad credentials"

    if (!userWithPassword.status) {
        return createError({
            statusCode: 401,
            message: "User Deactivated"

    /* When passwords will be encrypted for now the 
    password is verified by filtering on email and password from notion
    const verified = await verify(password, userWithPassword.password);

    if (!verified || userWithPassword) {
        return createError({
            statusCode: 401,
            message: "Bad credentials",
    const config = useRuntimeConfig();

    const session = serialize({ userId: userWithPassword.id });
    const signedSession = sign(session, config.cookieSecret);

    setCookie(event, config.cookieName, signedSession, {
        httpOnly: true,
        path: "/",
        sameSite: "strict",
        secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
        expires: rememberMe
            ? new Date(Date.now() + config.cookieRememberMeExpires)
            : new Date(Date.now() + config.cookieExpires),

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    const { password: _password, ...userWithoutPassword } = userWithPassword;

    return {
        user: userWithoutPassword,
  • /server/routes/auth/logout.post.ts
// logout.post.ts
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
    const config = useRuntimeConfig();

    deleteCookie(event, config.cookieName, {
        httpOnly: true,
        path: "/",
        sameSite: "strict",
        secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",

    return {
        user: null,
  • /server/routes/auth/me.get.ts
// me.get.ts
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
    const userWithPassword = event.context.user;

    if (!userWithPassword) {
        return {
            user: null,

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    const { password: _password, ...userWithoutPassword } = userWithPassword;

    return {
        user: userWithoutPassword,

# 6.10 Server Utils

  • /server/utils/password.ts
// password.ts
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";

export async function hash(plainPassword: string) {
    return bcrypt.hash(plainPassword, 10);

export function verify(plainPassword: string, hash: string) {
    return bcrypt.compare(plainPassword, hash);
  • /server/utils/session.ts
// session.ts
import type { H3Event } from "h3";
import cookieSignature from "cookie-signature";
import { getUserById } from "~~/server/models/user";

export function serialize(obj: any) {
    const value = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(obj), "utf-8").toString("base64");
    const length = Buffer.byteLength(value);

    if (length > 4096) throw new Error("Session value is too long");

    return value;

export function deserialize(value: string) {
    return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(value, "base64").toString("utf-8"));

export function sign(value: string, secret: string) {
    return cookieSignature.sign(value, secret);

export function unsign(value: string, secret: string) {
    return cookieSignature.unsign(value, secret);

export async function getUserFromSession(event: H3Event) {
    const config = useRuntimeConfig();

    const cookie = getCookie(event, config.cookieName);
    if (!cookie) return null;

    const unsignedSession = unsign(cookie, config.cookieSecret);
    if (!unsignedSession) return null;

    const session = deserialize(unsignedSession);
    return await getUserById(session.userId);


# 6.11 Server Utils

  • Service
  • /services/notion.ts
const notionApiOptions = {
  baseURL: 'https://api.notion.com/v1',
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.NOTION_API_KEY}`,
    'Notion-Version': '2021-08-16', // Replace with the desired Notion API version

export function useNotionDatabase(databaseId) {
  const { data: results = [], loading, error } = useFetch(`/databases/${databaseId}/query`, notionApiOptions)
  const resultss = data.results || []
  return {

# 7. Add nuxt-icon to the project

yarn add --dev nuxt-icon
npm install --save-dev nuxt-icon
pnpm add --save-dev nuxt-icon
  • nuxt.config.ts
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
    buildModules: [


Docs on Nuxt Icon ;

# 8. Element Plus Nuxt Module

yarn add element-plus @element-plus/nuxt -D
npm i element-plus @element-plus/nuxt -D
pnpm add element-plus @element-plus/nuxt -D
  • nuxt.config.ts
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  elementPlus: { /** Options */ }

Add elementPlus in global.d.ts to avoid typescript error

// global.d.ts
import type { NuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/types'

declare module 'nuxt/config' {
  interface NuxtConfig {
    // element plus module options, it should bo be any, but it works
    elementPlus?: any

Docs on elementPlus;