# Indexing my code for SourceGraph

One-off indexing using scip-typescript locally Creating one-off indexes and uploading them is valuable as a proof of concept, but indexes are not kept up to date.

The steps here are similar to those in the previous GitHub Actions example.

# 1. Install scip-typescript.

npm install -g @sourcegraph/scip-typescript
# or
yarn add global @sourcegraph/scip-typescript

# 2. Install the Sourcegraph CLI.

curl -L https://sourcegraph.com/.api/src-cli/src_linux_amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/src
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src
  • The exact invocation may change depending on the OS and architecture. See the src-cli README for details.

# 3. cd into your project's root

(which contains package.json/tsconfig.json) and run the following:

# (1) Enable type-checking code used from external packages and 
# (2) cross-repo navigation by installing dependencies first with npm or yarn

npm install
# or

scip-typescript index

# for TypeScript projects

If you are indexing a JavaScript codebase or a project using Yarn workspaces, tweak the scip-typescript invocation as documented in the Optional scip-typescript flags section.

# 4. Upload the data to a Sourcegraph instance.

# for private instances
SRC_ENDPOINT=<your sourcegraph endpoint> src code-intel upload

# for public instances
src code-intel upload -github-token=<your github token>

The upload command will provide a URL you can visit to see the upload status. Once the upload has finished processing, you can visit the repo and enjoy precise code navigation!