# Feature Request

When requesting a new feature for a web app on GitHub, it's important to provide clear and detailed information to help the developers understand your request. Here's an example of how you can format your feature request:

# Title: [Web App Name]

New Feature Request: [Feature Name]

# Description

  1. Feature Overview: Provide a brief summary of the feature you're requesting and why it's needed.

  2. Use Case: Explain the specific use case or problem that this feature will address. Describe how it will benefit users or improve the overall functionality of the web app.

  3. Detailed Feature Description: Provide a thorough explanation of the feature, including its expected behavior and any user interactions. Be as specific as possible to help the developers understand what you're envisioning.

  4. Visual Mockups: If applicable, include visual mockups, wireframes, or screenshots to illustrate your idea. This can help the developers visualize the feature and understand its design requirements.

  5. Implementation Suggestions: If you have any suggestions or ideas on how the feature could be implemented, feel free to provide them. This can include technologies, libraries, or any other relevant information that might assist the development process.

  6. Additional Context: Include any additional context, such as related issues or dependencies, that might be relevant to the feature request.

  7. Priority: If there's a specific priority level for your feature request (e.g., high, medium, low), mention it here. This can help the developers prioritize their work if they have multiple feature requests.

# Example

# Title: MyWebApp

New Feature Request: User Profile Customization

# Description

  1. Feature Overview: This feature request is for adding customization options to user profiles, allowing users to personalize their profiles and make them more engaging.

  2. Use Case: Many users would like to have the ability to customize their profile pages to reflect their personality or brand. This feature will enhance user engagement and provide a more personalized experience.

  3. Detailed Feature Description: Users should be able to change their profile picture, add a cover photo, and customize their profile's color scheme. Additionally, they should have the option to include a bio, social media links, and other relevant information.

  4. Visual Mockups: [Attach visual mockups or provide links to relevant images showcasing the proposed changes]

  5. Implementation Suggestions: The profile customization feature can be implemented using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Leveraging existing libraries or frameworks such as React.js or Bootstrap might help streamline the development process.

  6. Additional Context: This feature request is related to issue #123 and is dependent on the user authentication system already in place.

  7. Priority: Medium

By following a clear and structured format like this, you provide the developers with the necessary information to understand and evaluate your feature request effectively.