# Notion API

Here are some useful code snippets to get started with the Notion API

To use TypeScript with the Notion API and Nuxt 3, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Nuxt 3 application with TypeScript:
npx create-nuxt-app my-nuxt3-app
cd my-nuxt3-app
  1. Install the required dependencies:
npm install @notionhq/client
  1. Create a .env file in the root of your project with your Notion API key:
  1. Update your nuxt.config.ts file to include the dotenv module and the environment variables:
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/dotenv'],
  publicRuntimeConfig: {
    notionApiKey: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY,
  1. Create a new file plugins/notion.ts to initialize the Notion client:
import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'
import { NuxtApp } from '@nuxt/types'

export default function (nuxt: NuxtApp) {
  const notion = new Client({
    auth: nuxt.$config.notionApiKey,

  nuxt.provide('notion', notion)
  1. Update your nuxt.config.ts file to include the Notion plugin:
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    notionApiKey: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY,
  plugins: ['~/plugins/notion.ts'],
  1. Create a new file services/notion.ts to include the functions to interact with the Notion API:
import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'

interface Person {
  id: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  registered: boolean

export async function getDatabase(
  databaseId: string,
  notion: Client
): Promise<any> {
  const response = await notion.databases.retrieve({ database_id: databaseId })
  return response

export async function authenticateUser(
  email: string,
  databaseId: string,
  notion: Client
): Promise<Person | null> {
  const response = await notion.databases.query({
    database_id: databaseId,
    filter: {
      property: 'email',
      text: {
        equals: email,

  return response.results.length > 0 ? response.results[0] : null
  1. In your Nuxt 3 pages or components, you can now use the Notion client to authenticate users:
    <input v-model="email" type="email" placeholder="Email" />
    <button @click="login">Login</button>
    <div v-if="user">
      <h3>User Information</h3>
      <p>Name: {{ ERROR }}</p>
      <p>Email: {{ ERROR }}</p>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
import { useNuxt } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'
import { authenticateUser, getDatabase } from '~/services/notion'

interface Person {
  id: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  registered: boolean

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const nuxt = useNuxt()
    const notion = nuxt.notion
    const email = ref('')
    const user = ref<Person | null>(null)

    async function login() {
      const databaseId = 'your_database_id'
      user.value = await authenticateUser(email.value, databaseId, notion)

    return { email, user, login }

Make sure to replace 'your_database_id' with the actual ID of your Notion database.

With these steps, you have set up a Nuxt 3 application with TypeScript that authenticates users using the Notion API.


# Referencing a Notion database and column types

To reference a multi-select value in Notion using TypeScript, you can use the Relation type provided by the Notion API. First, you need to define the relation type in your TypeScript code by specifying the property type as Relation and providing the related database ID.

Here's an example of how to reference a multi-select value from a related table in TypeScript:

import { Client, Relation } from "@notionhq/client";

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY });
const databaseId = process.env.NOTION_DATABASE_ID;
const relationId = process.env.NOTION_RELATION_ID;

(async () => {
  // Retrieve the related database object
  const relatedDatabase = await notion.databases.retrieve(relationId);

  // Retrieve the first database object
  const firstDatabase = await notion.databases.retrieve(databaseId);

  // Access the multi-select column in the first database
  const multiSelectColumn = firstDatabase.properties.multiSelectColumn;

  // Retrieve the related page object
  const relatedPage = await notion.pages.retrieve(multiSelectColumn.relation[0].page_id);

  // Access the multi-select values
  const multiSelectValues = relatedPage.properties.multiSelectColumnName;

  console.log(`Multi-select Values: ${multiSelectValues}`);

Replace databaseId, relationId, multiSelectColumn, and multiSelectColumnName with the appropriate values for your use case.

Keep in mind that when using the Relation type in TypeScript, you may need to handle multi-select values properly by converting them into an array of strings.
