# Nuxt Icon

# Features

  • Nuxt 3 ready
  • Support 100,000 open source vector icons via Iconify
  • Emoji Support
  • Custom SVG support (via Vue component)

# Setup ⛓️

Add nuxt-icon dependency to your project:

npm install --save-dev nuxt-icon

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev nuxt-icon

Add it to the modules array in your nuxt.config.ts:

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-icon']

That's it, you can now use the <Icon /> in your components!

If you are using VS Code, you can use the Iconify IntelliSense

# Usage 👌


  • name (required): icon name, emoji or global component name
  • size: icon size (default: 1em)


When using an icon from Iconify, an <svg> will be created, you can give all the attributes of the native element.

<Icon name="uil:github" color="black" />

# Iconify dataset

You can use any name from the https://icones.js.org collection:

<Icon name="uil:github" />

# Emoji

<Icon name="🚀" />

# Vue component

<Icon name="NuxtIcon" />

Note that NuxtIcon needs to be inside components/global/ folder (see example).

# Configuration ⚙️

To update the default size (1em) of the <Icon />, create an app.config.ts with the nuxtIcon.size property.

Update the default class (.icon) of the <Icon /> with the nuxtIcon.class property, for a headless Icon, simply set nuxtIcon.class: ''.

You can also define aliases to make swapping out icons easier by leveraging the nuxtIcon.aliases property.

// app.config.ts
export default defineAppConfig({
  nuxtIcon: {
    size: '24px', // default <Icon> size applied
    class: 'icon', // default <Icon> class applied
    aliases: {
      'nuxt': 'logos:nuxt-icon',

The icons will have the default size of 24px and the nuxt icon will be available:

<Icon name="nuxt" />

# Render Function

You can use the Icon component in a render function (useful if you create a functional component), for this you can import it from #components:

import { Icon } from '#components'

See an example of a <MyIcon> component:

<script setup>
import { Icon } from '#components'

const MyIcon = h(Icon, { name: 'uil:twitter' })

  <p><MyIcon /></p>

# CSS Icons

This is currently experimental and may change in the future, this is a way to use CSS icons instead of SVG icons to reduce the DOM size and improve performance. It is leveraging the Mask combined with background color set to currentColor, useful to render monotone icons that use currentColor as icon color. Learn more on https://docs.iconify.design/icon-components/css.html

  <IconCSS name="uil:twitter" />

You can use aliases in <IconCSS> as well.

Note that CSS Masks have limited support, see https://caniuse.com/css-masks for more information.

Also, the icons won't be loaded on initial load and an HTTP request will be made to Iconify CDN to load them.